Tuesday, August 27, 2013


So...here we are...the journey officially begins this day. Hot and humid Houston, Texas. It's a joy to tell and retell the stories that got us here: Why TAP (The Antioch Partners)? Why Kenya? Why the Maasai people? It's almost unreal to trace God's handiwork throughout our lives to where he has us in this time. Details seemingly "coincidental": two passions for a land we know some (but honestly little) about, prayers from people across the country and the world, multiple people mentioning and directing and pointing us to TAP. All of this is His work. I often ask myself, "Am I trusting enough to really do this?" and I simply know that denying this is being disobedient, ignoring the call that he has placed on our lives. "What about *insert anything here*?" "How long do you think we can do this?", I ask. And he says, "Be still and rest in my presence." The author and director asks me to be patient, to trust him. I thank God for the people among us in Blacksburg and Radford who have continually lifted us up in prayer, who have encouraged us, and those who have asked about our steps in this journey. Whether they know it or not, they are a crucial piece to this mystery and adventure as we rest in the groundwork of a supportive body to come along side us as we pray and prepare. 

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